I created this handy tool to help you craft a great elevator pitch. Whether you’re launching a new product, startup, non-profit, event, or pretty much anything else, this sequenced pitch builder will make sure your message is tight. Fill it out right here then simply email it to yourself at the end.

Since this is for a short elevator pitch, I recommend limiting each response to one or two sentences. Examples are presented for you via the placeholder text.

Problem Statement

Before you do anything else you need to convince your audience that what you're doing matters. What pain are you eliminating? Who are you helping? Why should anyone care? You could try framing your problem with a powerful statistic, a short personal story, or even a rhetorical question. Your target market should be evident from your problem statement.

Shortcoming Statement

Now, there are probably already some approaches out there that people are using to solve that problem, but why do they suck? What shortcomings exist with the current solutions on the market?

Solution Statement

Never fear, your solution is here! How are you uniquely solving the problem you've described? What's the user's experience like with your solution? Focus on what it does, not the small details of how it works.

Validation Statement

What's your early traction looking like? Any big wins so far? You want to convey that people are using it and getting incredible value out of it. Or if you're pre-launch, what's been a key take-away from your customer discovery research?

Action Statement

Great - you've got 'em loving your idea and practically pulling out their wallets. Now what? Close! If the thing you're working on is ready to go, tell them how/where they can buy (or sell it to them on the spot). Maybe you just want them to follow you on Twitter, sign up for your email list on your website, or lock down a follow-up meeting. Whatever it is, nudge them in that direction with a clear action statement or question.

Your First Name

Your Email Address (you won't be added to any lists, no B.S.)